Why Support the Restoration of Lamb Lodge ‘Tepee’ at Girl Scout’s Camp Woodlands?

  1. It is an innovative architectural landmark that has been recognized for inclusion in the National Registry of Historic Places and will be the only Scout Lodge with this designation in the country.

• It gained architectural firm, RTKL, it’s first A.I.A. Award of Merit

• After 58 years of happy campers, the Girls Scouts and Charles Lamb need your help to renovate and restore Lamb Lodge so it may serve the many youth who will frequent it in years to come.

  1. Over 10,600 young people visited Camp Woodlands and

Lamb Lodge in 2011 and this number increases each year.

• Camp Woodlands is the most utilized Scout Camp in Central Maryland.

• In addition to Girl Scout Troops, the Lamb Lodge is home to many partnering educational youth groups: Arlington Echo - Anne Arundel County Schools’ Outdoor Education Program for K-12, Annapolis Junior Rowing, and YWCA summer day camps.

Help Restore Lamb Lodge ‘Tepee’ for Future Generations

•  Home   • History   • Design   • AIA Award   • Historic Registry   • Press  • Dedication  


    or write a check to:

   Girl Scouts of Central MD

   subject line: “Lamb Lodge“ and send to:

    ATTN: Lamb Lodge
    Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 
    4806 Seton Drive 
    Baltimore, MD 21215http://www.gscm.org/about/facilities/camp-woodlands/lambs-lodge/
Help us reach the Tepee construction project 
goal of $312,000

To make your tax deductible donation at the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland website
click here http://www.gscm.org/about/facilities/camp-woodlands/lambs-lodge/

Charles Lamb and Lamb Lodge “Tepee” • Girl Scouts of Central Maryland • Black & White photos (top) courtesy M. E. Warren Photography, LLC

CONTACT:  lamblodge54@gmail.com